
Apr 20, 2009 20:31

I always knew that German Shepherds, as adults, can be somewhat aloof, reserved, and a bit
less outgoing than other breeds.
What I was unaware of, was that with that territory comes a slightly more phobic puppy-hood
than what I'm used to.
Since I've had Boris, I've noticed all types of serious fears:

1. Other people - whenever we'd have a friend over, he'd hide behind me and lean his full
     weight against me.
2. Cars - whenever walking him on his leash, he'd stop and drop to the ground every single
     time a car would pass. Most walks would end with me carrying him back home with his head
     resting against my shoulder.
3. Water - after thrashing about in the tub, he'll go all stiff and catatonic on me.

Well, after a little over 2 months I'm glad to report:

1. After a couple of BBQs and friend visits, Boris is glad to see other people and accept whatever
    attention gets poured on him. I've noticed that he's extra gentle with children - which is awesome!
2. He's still cautious around cars, which is a behavior I don't want him to lose, but at least he keeps bravely
    walking along now!
3. As it stands, he still hates getting wet, but we made some progress this evening. Outside, I held the
   water hose close to him so he could see me drink from it, then I let him drink from it. After that I made a
  puddle on the ground and patted my hand in it, which directed him to walk through it. After some coaxing,
  I got him to snap at water droplets that I'd fling in the air. Finally, I stood in the middle of the sprinkler -
  which was turned on low - and held a dog treat so that he had to walk trough the sprinkler stream to get it -
  and he did it! Still a bit apprehensive, but I think after a few hot summer days of dashing through a kiddie pool
 and chasing a ball through the sprinkler, I think I may be able to work up to rivers and lakes!

I know alot of it has to do with him being very young, but I really want to conquer these things head-on so that
he'll be a calm and confident dog, and be able to have fun and enjoy the things that I like to do.

I also want to really work on socializing him with other dogs. He's already great about not barking at dogs in the
neighborhood that are barking at him, but I want him to see the friendly side of other dogs as well.

He's also learned to sit and lay down on command, and he's almost learned to 'stay' and shake hands as well.

I've got my work cut out for me, and alot of training ahead, but we have fun with it. Yes, at times he's a whiney
and retardedly hyper puppy that gets into everything and drives me crazy, but I'm beginning to see bits of his
intelligence peek through. It's good to know that in the future, he'll be less of a child and more of a loyal friend!

Pictures to come as soon as I'm able to upload them from my phone! (I don't have the proper cord yet.)

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