still haven't settled on a title for this yet.
a lot's been going on lately but since my net access is still kinda shady and my computer's dying, i haven't been online too much to keep this thing up to date.
so i turned 30 last month. it was fairly low key, spent catching up with a handful of good friends, a few drinks and crashing at a friend's place down in geelong.
the following night one of my housemates Lee, a filmmaker, happened to be throwing a house party for a scene in a feature-length movie he's just finished, so i guess we kind of partied a bit too.
but hitting the big three-oh has got me thinking. actually i think about this stuff a lot.. i like to imagine that if the 10 year old me were to meet me now, little me would be pretty stoked. i don't own a house, a nice car, have the latest phone or whatever it is people my age are working their tired asses off for, but i'm sure if i could explain that none of that stuff matters to 30yo me, then little me would surely dig it. i live in one of the best cities in the world, have zero debt, work just enough hours to live relatively comfortably on, and pretty much spend the rest of my time drawing comics and doin' whatever i feel like. and yes, i still watch the goonies and ninja turtles movies. :D
anyway, the following week in feb my cousin PJ and i caught the dillinger escape plan, every time i die and poison the well at the espy. suuuuch a good show! best show of the year?? i cannot imagine a better lineup, so yes, show of the year, 2009.
y'know, it's funny coz it's true...
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giving away some FREE stuff in the next post!!