What's not to love about the perpetuation of misinformation?
My current favourite example: I'm "breeding" imaginary horses from Hungary, so I'm looking up Hungarian names. I keep seeing "Ktisztina" on pretty much every baby name website, saying that it means "Christian".
Now, any reasonably intelligent person who's paying even a bit of attention would realize that this name is supposed to be "Krisztina". I mean, Hungarian can seem pretty alien to us speakers of Romance languages, but it's not *that* incomprehensible.
But, no... far easier to cut & paste info from another website onto your website w/o checking it for accuracy or even basic readability! Typos are the new canon! If it's in "print" once, it's got to be true... so if we copy it a hundred times over, imagine how much truer it becomes!
Google "Ktisztina" & you get 226 baby name sites. Google "Krisztina" & you get 2,390,000 hits (many in Hungarian).
I can only hope that somebody posted "Ktisztina" to their list of baby names on purpose, & is now having a hearty laugh at the expense of the unthinking masses.
Seriously, though... why I *really* love the 'Net... and the Japanese:
How large of a fish can a cat carry?
http://youtube.com/watch?v=G_7n34fiB1Q&search=trivia%20cats%20fish Many thanks to
geckosan for the heads-up! ^_^