on blogging and biking

Jul 07, 2009 14:07

Of course, this post will just add to the worrying done by people that worry about me. And that worrying is well founded, but at the same time if I then silence myself, then I have this awkward situation where my blog avoids some of the most interesting topics. I suppose there must always be some things that won't appear on my blog, such as if my kids were to do something really bad (as in, bad to the point of legally actionable, though I suppose that's saying less and less) (anyway fyi they haven't). Or I suppose if I did something that I was deeply ashamed of, to the point that I didn't want anybody to know. Which I haven't (although I'm sure some of the thoughts I have would be deemed shameful even if there has been no action and nobody harmed.... still, maybe some of those thoughts I should also keep to myself). But I don't agree with people that say not to dump about real life.

Anyway, took a spill. Turns out a racing bike slips out from under me real fast when gets a flat. I'm a sissy. Screw this shit. I'm going to get myself a mountain bike, with shock absorbers and whatever comfort stuff, even at the cost of making the 50 miles per day even more physically demanding.


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