
Mar 17, 2011 14:33

Well, the Claims assignment fell through. Or got "delayed" or whatever. Not terribly surprised. So I won't be going back to work on Friday... maybe next week? Maybe in the weeks following? ...It's getting to be that awkward time period when it's not really worth it to look for jobs, seeing as I'm going to be leaving Portland at the end of April. (I actually went and made my flights, finally.)

I sent Ivan an email and told him to pass the word on to the others. ...I have to say, it was totally gratifying how upset all my coworkers were when I got laid off. Outraged, even.

...Dar and I are going to go get Voodoo Donuts and watch some Jurassic Park: The Lost World. I'm thinking we should also drink some Irish Stout. Happy St. Patrick's Day, guys.

fml, job, living in the land of port

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