Yes, my job really is that boring.

Jan 25, 2011 16:29

So I took a break from thinking about the symptoms associated with exposure to different concentrations of carbon dioxide. "Manta Rays" by Ludo was playing on my iPod, and I tried to think up a story that would go with it. Then I started thinking about Aquaman instead, and hey, I wonder if they'll make an Aquaman movie, seeing as they did one for ( Read more... )

wonder woman, comics, dc, job, superheroes, geekery, movies

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b_c_draygon January 26 2011, 01:13:14 UTC
I always feel a little bit bad about jumping into conversations about movie adaptations of comics, because I know absolutely nothing about the comics the movies are based on (so I obviously have no right to say what is and isn't good) -- but I'm going to anyway.

HOORAY FOR A WONDER WOMAN MOVIE! Shame they didn't get Joss Whedon, but nevermind. David S. Goyer should be good (if I'm thinking of the right Batman movies ... :S I feel like I should know more writers/directors/producers than a handful of Doctor Who writers, Jerry Bruckheimer and that guy who directed did Lord of the Rings. I FAIL as a nerd.)

Yeah, Catwoman and Elektra got ripped off in the movie department. :/ I didn't mind Catwoman so much, although it was kind of stupid. And not entertaining-stupid, either. More like "mutiple personality disorder" stupid and "physics defiance in a bad way" stupid. Maybe Catwoman dresses and acts like a mild dominatrix hooker who'll use cat-puns to flirt with men in the comics; it sure as hell didn't give me any respect for her whatsoever in the film. :/

Also, Elektra - didn't she die at the end of Daredevil? And then it just went downhill from there, really? (The worst thing is, I know I've seen both Daredevil and Elektra - but both were so bad I don't even remember what happened. Except for the reason behind Daredevil's blindness, the fact that he slept in a lead-lined coffin underwater holy fuck that scared the shit out of me WHAT IF THE POWER WENT OFF WHEN HE WAS ASLEEP IN THERE and the cool echolocation.)

I'm sorry. I seem to be using your LJ post as an excuse to rant about movies I didn't enjoy. Apologies for that! *gets off soapbox*

Yay for nerd reports. :D


zolac_no_miko January 26 2011, 01:35:56 UTC
Awww, hey now, we all have rights in this conversation! The mark of a good movie adaptation is that it must be enjoyable to both hardcore fans and newcomers. Best example: Star Trek. Ohmigod that most recent movie. That is how it's done. ...Anyway, until fairly recently I was only an advanced novice myself. I didn't actually read comics. I did watch a hell of a lot of superhero cartoons, though.

The Nolan films are the two most recent Batman films, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, and the upcoming film The Dark Knight Rises. The BEST Batman films. Tim Burton's Batman and Batman Returns were also good. We shall not speak of the atrocities that came in between. ...Nolan's also done Inception, The Prestige, and Memento. I adore him.

This knowing who writers/directors/producers are thing is a fairly recent addition to my skill set. Thank you IMDB, how did I live before you?

I haven't actually seen Daredevil, Elektra, or Catwoman. I don't really have to to know that they are utter CRAP. ...This is why I don't feel like I can count them as representing for the girl's team. And, uh, yeah, having not seen the film, can't really speak with authority on how Halle Berry's character specifically deviates from the original, but... no. World of no. Yes, Selina Kyle is flirtatious and sexy. No, she is not a crazy gutter-slut. She's a pretty excellent character, actually. I'm looking forward to seeing what Nolan does with her.


zolac_no_miko January 26 2011, 02:12:38 UTC
LOL okay, so I was looking at the Catwoman IMDB page (I don't have a problem, I can stop any time, I swear!) and I saw that it had been nominated for some awards, and even won a couple. And I was like WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. So I clicked over to the awards page and, lol, most of them are from the Razzie awards. It won Worst Actress, Worst Director, Worst Picture, and Worst Screenplay. XDDDDDD

And Zoe Bell was nominated in the World Stunt Awards for Best High Work (Description of the stunt is: "A woman is dropped off the side of a building. Using a descender, she unravels from two wraps, crashes through a skylight and falls to the ground." Coooooool.)! Yay! She is my favorite stuntperson! Slash, the only one I know. XD I know she was Uma's double in Kill Bill, and she played herself as a main character in Deathproof. Because Tarantino is fantastic.

...Brb, listening to the State of the Union. Streaming live on YouTube! Thank you Google, our benevolent information overlords~! <3 <3


b_c_draygon January 27 2011, 18:18:12 UTC
Yeah, the newest Star Trek movie is definitely how you do an movie adaptation. Of anything. And you're right, this stuff has to work for people other than the hardcore fans.

Yeah, I was thinking of the right Batman films. :) I have yet to see any of those other films you mentioned (but Inception is definitely on my list of Thigns To See ASAP), but I looooved Batman Begins. (The Dark Knight was a bit too dark for my taste, and I thought Heath Ledger as the Joker was massively overrated *gasp* sacrelidge. But otherwise, it was a good film.)

Nah, you can sort of tell that those films are going to suck royal arse without seeing them. XD I shall not take Halle Berry's Catwoman as gospel, then. :D Should be interesting to see what someone else does with her.

Before I read what awards Catwoman had been nominated for, I was kind of horrified. XD But those Razzies are well-deserved! *applauds* XP

Yaaaaaay for awesome stuntpeople! :D


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