Non-Twitter social media presence

Jun 05, 2017 11:25


It's been approximately 50 years since I made an LJ post that wasn't a fic post. A lot of stuff has gone on. Still working very slowly on thesis, so that hasn't changed. Kinda over it at this point. An entire awesome job came and went, and a new awesome job has begun. I meant to post a lot of pics from previous job and just... didn't. Maybe I will.

And of course there's been all this kerfluffle about LJ. The way I see it, there's two ways to respond to the kerfluffle: a defiant Fuck You, LJ by leaving the site entirely, or a defiant Fuck You, LJ by refusing to leave until they goddamn make me. I have gone for option two. Even as what few LJ friends I have left jump ship one by one, my emotional attachment to the site keeps me tied to it.

I'm not an idiot, though. If it a) goes under, or b) my journal(s) get deleted due to lack of activity or nefarious content, I don't want to lose everything. So I've backed up my main journal, my old RP journals, even one of my RP communities (and I'll do the others at some point) to Dreamwidth. I'll be crossposting journal entries from Dreamwidth to Livejournal from now on. (I'd do it the other way around if there was an option, but there isn't... guess that's one argument in favor of DW.)

This is my first crosspost entry... hope it works. LJ friends who are also on DW/have mostly moved there, feel free to add/friend/follow/whatever-the-heck-they-call-it-here.

...So anyway... my new job is I'm an Interpretive Guide for a Hawai‘i Island ecotourism company called Hawai‘i Forest & Trail. It's super fun... I get to be outside in beautiful places, talk story with interesting people, share my love and enthusiasm and knowledge of the cultural and natural history of Hawai‘i Nei, and learn tons of stuff that I hadn't known before, which for me, a greedy glutton for knowledge, is the BEST PART. ...Also tips, tips are the other best part.

I've learned a lot of new stuff about Hawai‘i Island geology and history and the places where the two intersect, lotsa new detail meshing with broader stuff I vaguely knew growing up, and it's made me very excited and like... I feel like I have a Story to tell, a Story the internet would probably enjoy, so. I'm going to try to make more frequent DW/LJ posts and tell y'all the Story. Look for the first installment very soon. Assuming this crossposting thing works.

Peace out folks, and aloha to all.

This entry was originally posted at Comment where you want.

internets, hawaii, job, i love my awesome life

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