I don't usually do sneak peeks but

Jan 23, 2015 00:02

I could finish that other meme I've been working on for months, orrrrrrr I could do this one. Stolen from lanyon: When you see this, share 3 random lines from 3 WIPs.

1. “Completely fireproof!” Tony exclaimed. “If they'd made the Hindenburg out of this stuff-too soon?" [WWII-era MCU/XMFC crossover AU]

2. “Precisely, so in terms of resonance we're looking at-is it smaller or bigger than-”

“Exactly the same size-” Banner interjected.

“-as a bread box, yes. Whatever the hell a bread box is.” [MCU, a document titled "ThisRoadTripLOLSoHappy.odt]

3. There's a deer in the garden, chewing the tops off of all of my carrots. It looks up, sees me staring down at it-it definitely sees me, it makes eye contact-then dismisses me as inconsequential and goes back to chewing. ...This happens a lot, with the deer, and the rabbits.

I should probably build a fence.

Or buy a rifle. [Original fic about Portland, Oregon "super" heroes]

Shut up, "a line" is however long I want it to be. You're not the boss of me.

meme, writey, original fiction, fanfic

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