Today I wrote most of a fic! And posted it! On AO3, anyway, I will remember to crosspost it here shortly. Probably. But because I'm feeling ficcish today, I'm going to start this meme, which I stole from
Every day (consecutively or not), post about one of your fanworks:
1. Something old
2. Something new
3. Something you made for someone else
4. Something you made just for yourself
5. Something for a large fandom/pairing/character
6. Something for a small fandom/pairing/character
7. Something you're just really proud of
I won't go for oldest here, that would require going over to FanFiction.Net. But 2008 is pretty old. I didn't have this journal yet; I was using a role-playing journal to write for the Jesse Hajicek webcomic
Metanoia. Riverside HQ was one of my first real fandom experiences, and one of the friends I made there is one of the best friends I've had in my life.
Bad Day was the third fic I wrote for this fandom, but it was the first one I was really proud of. I challenged myself to get into the head of a character I didn't actually much care for, and I came away with a greater understanding and a greater sympathy for him. I challenged myself to extrapolate a whole day from a few pages of comic, to provide a glimpse into the life of a character without much backstory, and without trying very hard I materialized a home with glitches, family personalities and history, favorite movies, fond memories of his shared past with his ex (a main character), feelings of loneliness and frustration and fear. I got under Kevin's skin, and I feel like I learned something from him, and I feel like, in expressing that, I contributed something meaningful to the community.
I do miss that fandom. It was a wee friendly place. I had a lot of good times. We all knew each other, I never felt lost and adrift the way you sometimes do in a larger fandom full of strangers.