If I can only prevent Belle from eating anything she shouldn't tonight, today will have been awesome

Jun 29, 2012 17:49

Life is good because:

-It's Friday!

-I spent all day listening to rock music learning about math earning real wages!

-My team DESTROYED the other team during Friday Lunch Hour Bocce. I mean, granted, I was on Leroy's team (the IT tech, not the hawk) and he is generally acknowledged to be the best bocce player in USGS, but... dude, I was on FIRE today, I think I scored most of the points! ...I think I must have some sort of natural bocce talent? I'm really a novice, I can count the number of times I've played on one hand, but since the first game I've kind of been consistently kicking ass and taking names. :DDD

-There are plum trees in the front yard. This is kind of a big deal, because things like plums and apples and pears and cherries just do not grow well at lower elevations in Hawai‘i; they need a bit of cold. But I live in Volcano, and it is cold here, and there are plum trees in the front yard, and the plums are coming ripe, and I picked a few, and they are DELICIOUS.

i love the weekend, job, island life, why yes i am awesome

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