I'm sorry to keep spamming you guys, only I'm really, really not.

Apr 21, 2012 20:34


There. I just feel like that's always a good way to start, just to get people's attention.

Gaaaahhhh, omg how freaking excited am I about Prometheus? IT IS GOING TO BE SO AMAZING.

Speaking of amazing, watch this awesome promotional video featuring android!Fassbender. I can already tell he is going to be my favorite. (Playlist continues with other cool promotional vids and trailers that are also worth watching, but. FASSBENDER.)

Omg, and just- the cast list, wow. ...Idris Elba with that accent is really weird.

So excited so excited CAN'T WAIT.

spam, idris elba is my favorite, idris elba ftw, flailflailflail, science fiction: it's what i do, trailer, video, movie, recs, michael fassbender (is hot like the sun)

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