Whoa, I used to write a lot and every day here.
And a lot of it was through a workserver. Dunno if I can repeat that, as I am struggling through symptom creep and outrage fatigue and being on a contract job with which I am pretty well content, but it's contract and I worry about my internet usage being monitored more closely than if I were a direct hire.
So let's do a meme instead! All the cool kids are doing it.
June 2003: I didn't start my lj until December of this year, and only then so that I could keep up with a friend who was on lj, and she'd sent me an invite. Hey, remember that? When you had to have an invitation code to join the lj?
17 June 2004: Not much posting that much,
I dislocated my jaw somehow and
Dr Felix gave me good drugs.
21 June 2005: Oh look at me ranting about
some new reality show that never ended up airing, as far as I know, and one of the best pieces I ever wrote
about love and loss. Actually, that's one of the best things I've ever written, full stop.
21 June 2006: Here I am in Saigon,
bitching about CSI.
20 & 22 June 2007: Since I didn't post on the 21st. I am made
Head Children's Teacher at my last school and some wonderful
ex-pat Vietnam links, I still send that "If You're Visiting VN" linky to absolutely everyone who is either planning a visit, or asks me, "What was Vietnam like?" His blog no longer exists and I can't find a cached copy of the entry, but I am SMRT and saved it years ago. So if you're interested, I still have it.
21 June 2008:
I left Saigon.
22 June 2009: I would
like some universal health care, still, thanks.
24 June 2010: Oh.
The Phooka.
June 2011: Nothing, nada, zip. Not a peep out of me that month.
24 June 2012: Nothing, nada, zip. Not a peep out of me that month either.