Last night, La Cyn and I had Discussions about Ideas regarding the Secret Project of World Domination. Which led to more exciting ideas and inspiration. I really love that I live with people who inspire me daily.
I've been suffering with a head cold that seems to require All the Snot in the World. Enough so that this was my morning:
I was so out of it this morning, that when I got up, I thought, "Meh, maybe I won't make coffee, there's still some in the thermos. Wait, La Cyn is doing her usual Saturday morning deep clean of the kitchen, she'll need coffee." And then I went and took a shower. Got out of the shower and was astonished to find that the tea kettle had not filled and started itself. I rinsed out the coffee filters, filled and started the kettle, and then did my little pour, pour, pour routine into the Chemex, only to find that... I'd neglected to even put coffee in the filter.
I really wanted to ctrl + alt + del my day at that point.
And I very nearly did.
Yesterday morning on the way to work, I heard a flock of geese honking away. Waiting at the front door with the butcher for one of the owners to show up (again, why does one of us not have a key at this point?), we again heard a flock of geese honking and flapping away. Then, suddenly, a goose just landed in the middle of the street.
He stayed there, in the parking stripes until well after we were in the shop, a good 20 minutes or so, with everyone who drove by slowing down to take a gander* at him. But yeah, a goose just hanging out on a city street, that's just not something you see every day. I told the butcher to hie his ass across the street and catch the thing so we could kill it, dress it, and sell it. In the end, we both agreed that that was not a wise plan due to the fact that geese are really fucking nasty and mean creatures who will knock you the fuck out given half a chance.
In other news, I'm still in love with my beautiful cat, Mishna.
Here she is with her woobie, the wee terrycloth bunny I bought for the Phooka way back when he was a kitten and we lived in Seattle (even La Cyn remembers when I got it!), and he seemed to be growing out of his frankenpuppy (another terrycloth toy from the same store, which he carried with him everywhere the first nine months he lived with us). Mishna can really take it or leave it -- if it's on the chair, she'll cuddle with it, but it's not something she MUST have with her all the time. She seems to be a much more secure kitty, and doesn't feel the need for toys of comfort or suffer too much from separation anxiety.
She's equally happy with La Cyn as she is with me, although even when the door between the front and the back of the house gets forced open during the night Mishna still stays with me in our room. Which makes me happy; because as much as I try not to be all fucking weird about it, I have Ideas about how one's cats should be. And One's Cats should sleep with One. Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely overjoyed that Mishna and La Cyn have a good, strong, and affectionate relationship, and I'd never begrudge La Cyn some kitty lovin' -- I just... am and will always be an only child who never learned how to share properly. Having Mishna is, in a way, yet another Learning Experience for me, as a human being.
Good lord, I will never be a proper grown up, will I? All that said, Mishna has been such a beautiful and joyful addition to our household. She loves everyone, and it seems that everyone loves her in return. I just look at her and get all mushy.
Damn, I haven't even taken my Nyquil dosage for the night and I'm already all maudlin. Guess it's time for bed or more novelling.
*Ahahahaha, see what I did there?