My country = buncha whacked out loons I tell ya.
Have you heard the one about
the President's Back to School message?President Barack Obama's back-to-school address next week was supposed to be a feel-good story for an administration battered over its health care agenda. Now Republican critics are calling it an effort to foist a political agenda
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J. also contacted the school superintendent demanding (very politely) to know the reasoning behind them not showing it in the Waukesha schools and also got a bullshit response about bad timing, not being able to review the speech in time before the broadcast, costs of rescheduling things at lunchtime, and on and on.
Here's part of what I forwarded to my teacher friend:
"So now we must protect the children from the message that they should work hard and focus on their education? Let's have them spend that time playing "World of Warcraft" on thier computers. Much safer than being forced to listen to an intelligent well-educated black man talk about the advantages of getting a good education."
This is why I don't own a gun. Well, one of many reasons. Gah.
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