Jun 18, 2008 12:30

I think I just mailed an open pack of cigarettes to myself.

seriouspenguin, the two final boxes of crap are on their way to you. And I may be able to get the mis-addressed one sorted this afternoon; I'd do it now, but they're about to break for lunch and nap time at the post office. I hope I can get it fixed, because that's the box with all the handbags and a few other gifties in it, as well as some clothes. Failing that, we'll just stomp on over to your PO in two weeks (2! Weeks!) and get all Avis on their asses until they promise to watch for it.

Johnny Trash did something quite nice for me this past week. I had given him my ipod when he left because initially, I had custody of all the music. Since I bought a new external harddrive, he now has custody of the old one. So, finding that I couldn't find a music player-PDA that would work for me, he took the ipod to a guy* who replaced the the battery which had been dying a rapid and ugly death AND replaced the 6GB drive with an 8GB drive and then gave it back to me. So, yay for him!

The most recent recurrence of cat moving drama again appears to be resolved.

So far, the Pook has displayed no ill effects from having eaten two bacon-y paper towels. Thank goodness. As I've said, there are three things guaranteed to make me lose my shit right now, and anything happening to this cat of very small brain is one of them.

Look, y'all, don't make me look like a pathetic Loser-y McLoserson with no friends at all. If you're in the NYC area or can get yourself to the NYC area, check your ass on in over here.

*Here in Viet Nam, you have a guy for everything. Need your shoes repaired? We got a guy. Need a visa? Go see our guy. Need a house? Call our guy. Want some uh... things? We know a guy.

broken cats, moving, stuff in the post, in the city

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