You shitheads. Never mind the free lunch. Almost nothing is complimentary on airlines anymore, not even what many passengers consider a simple necessity: a single checked bag
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Dont even get me started on the airlines! On average, I travel every other month. And I have done this for almost 4 years now. The things I have seen go through the "security" amazes me. I have seen a TSA guard coach another passenger on what to call the liquid in the baby bottle.. and let him (sans baby) go through. I have seen packed gifts go through with the lady announcing there was perfume in it. And though I can go on about the things that have gone through, I on the other hand have been stopped because I wear a silver bangle (a religious symbol) and I get the near cavity search because of it. Is it because I have color in my skin? Is it because there is no standard that is actually adhered to
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