Wouldn't you know it? When I decide to go shopping for new glasses, everything I'm looking for in shape and style is out of fashion and everything I don't want is in.
And it's no help shopping around, everyone has the same stuff, it's the same all over. Like when I needed a new bicycle bell, all anyone had were these wee things that make hardly any noise, not a great big fuck off bell like the bicycle came with.
Anyway, I think I got close to what I wanted.
The eye size looks bigger in the picture, the lenses actually frame pretty well. They're really not that wide on my face, I just have a scrip that refracts heavily.
Thanks to
dimitra and others for your suggestions. There were, however, no plastic frame, lower rimless to be found. These are a matte pewter color. Of course the girls kept bringing my very wide, narrow lensed plastic frames in dark dark colors to match what I was wearing already, and that's what most of everyone's stock was.
I got an eye exam too, while I was at it. Ooooh, that was strange. I just sat with my face in what I had thought was the tonometer, but no, this thingy scanned my eyeballs and came up with an exact right scrip and PD! I was shocked! There was none of the very subjective, "Don't squint, which one's better, the first one or the second?" nonsense.
Weirdly enough, I've been sitting here reading most of the morning, and I don't have to look down past the bottom of my lenses or hold the book at arm's length. Huh. I still have a lack of acuity in my near vision, but not nearly so bad as it was just 24 hours ago.
And my hair!
When wet, it's past my bra strap, dry like this, it just reaches same. Nothing in it but conditioner and olive oil heavily scented with amber/vanilla (both of which I'm now out of so this last bit in the bottle's gonna have to last me). I'm not getting it cut again til I get back to the States, where I'll find someone who knows how to deal with super-fine, curly Caucasian hair -- I've had too many lovely, lovely gay Vietnamese boys coming at me with razors and thinning shears, they really don't know what to do with non-Asian hair, bless their little hearts. Until I took these pictures, I'd had no idea that one of them, at some point, had cut my hair in a vee shape in the back. I've had to trim some of it around my face with my nail scissors a few times, which makes it spring right up into crazy corkscrew curls. I'm kind of totally loving my hair for the first time in a long long time.