Linkspam: *facepalm* edition

Oct 15, 2008 14:15

Oh NISA, NISA, NISA. Rereleasing Rhapsody on the DS with a ton of glitches and cutting advertised bonus content that was a) one of the main selling points of the game; and b) one of the stated reasons the English-language songs from the original version were left out of the rerelease? And then not telling anyone about the missing content until after the game was out, letting people think it was a glitch until they were called on it? Wow.

It's especially stupid since NISA is a niche publisher with a rather... intense fanbase.

And here I was looking forward to demolishing enemies with stacks of pancakes and slices of pie.

This is atypical behavior on NISA's part - the missing content, I mean; I've run afoul of some glitches before *koff* Atelier Iris 3 *koff* - and I really hope it stays that way.

Meanwhile, EA's CEO says he doesn't like DRM all that much, but that it really wasn't that much of an issue with Spore, since an "online cabal" of only .2% of gamers had a problem with it. You know, I can only speak for myself here, but one of the reasons I tend to avoid PC games in general (aside from system requirement issues) is because I don't like DRM, especially nasty types of spyware DRM like SecuROM - which is used in both Spore and The Sims games, if I'm not mistaken - or the infamous StarForce. I also tend to hold it against publishers; I was very slow to forgive Sony after the CD rootkit fiasco, for instance.

(...And then he had to go and say something stupid like this:

“‘I'm guessing that half of them were pirates, and the other half were people caught up in something that they didn’t understand,” he says. “If I’d had a chance to have a conversation with them, they’d have gotten it.”

...which really doesn't help his case. Yes, please do imply that people who don't like your company's use of invasive DRM are either criminals or sheep. Thanks ever so.)

In somewhat less facepalmy news, I've now managed to get four(!) Pink Tails, and thus four sets of Adamant Armor. One to go and I can finally look into finishing the game. =D

digital rights issues, videogame publishers: nisa, zomg pirates, fail

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