Stop being on my side.

Apr 26, 2008 12:55

Oh, good fucking god.

(I particularly "like," for extreme negative values of "like," the illustration for Part 4, subtitled "The Ugliest Part of the Backlash: Fundamentalists and Antichoicers," complete with white guy in peril and menacing black natives jumping around in the background, while the blond white woman swings to the rescue. Ugliest Part, indeed.)

This AFTER an imbroglio over the book's original cover, which ALSO had racist connotations. (Note: The offending image has been removed, apparently due to copyright issues. The book has since been published with a different cover.)

Both Amanda Marcotte and Seal Press have posted apologies, but between this and this (see also this and this) I'm not feeling too charitable towards her at the moment. And I'm feeling more than a little disgusted about a lot of feminists, which admittedly hasn't been helped by this.

(Not that I'm exactly a paragon of sensitivity, either - I keep wondering how I would have reacted to the illustrations in Marcotte's book had this firestorm NOT happened, whether I would have winced and then forgotten rather than being outraged like I am now. And I already KNOW Golden Age comics such as the ones used to illustrate Marcotte's book are full of racist imagery. I'm a lot better at sussing out classism, able-ism, and heterosexism in otherwise feminist discourse, because those are "my" issues. Racism, I need to work on more, because there's so much I still don't see. /ALL ABOUT ME OMG DIGRESSION)

In sum, Amanda Marcotte, Seal Press, and Far Too Many White Feminists = FAIL. And it's goddamned disappointing. You expect this sort of thing from the Rush Limbaughs and the Ann Coulters of the world; it's really, REALLY discouraging to see it from allegedly progressive/feminist people.

[ETA: Okay, perspective regained. I'm still really, really pissed, though.]

feminism, rage, racism

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