
Mar 04, 2007 23:53

And once again, I have nothing of real interest to post (although I think I owe someone a meme reply), so have some random comics links:

Gambit: Even LESS interesting as a Drow. Still emo, though.

OH, DEAR GOD. *dies laughing* (Link via The ISB - a smaller version can be seen here, if that link doesn't work. Does his hair look off to anyone else?)

Also from the ISB: Civil War in 30 Seconds.

And this would be the part where I rant about the fact that wolverines are in fact members of the WEASEL family, not canids, and thus it would be far more fitting for Wolverine to transform into, say, a mutant stoat. Which I would buy.

Getting to the actual topic of that post: One really has to wonder about whomever designed the Hulk toy. (Link via Progressive Ruin.)

Suddenly, I'm really regretting not picking up John Woo's Seven Brothers. (Scans Daily has an alternate take on that page here, for the Mulan fans.)

Not precisely comics, but: Steampunk Star Wars. (Link via Dave's Long Box.)

...I think that's enough for now.

comics and manga: general, linkspam

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