This is a post about Hal's poo. I'm really very sorry. But not sorry enough not to post it.

Apr 08, 2013 18:23

...I've been rewatching bits of Being Human series 5 for fic research and instead keep catching references alluding to the fact that someone had to deal with Hal's bodily functions while he was tied to that chair ( Read more... )

being human, tv

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istne_pieklo April 9 2013, 17:45:25 UTC
I can't stop giggling over: You can't keep your major canon straight over the course of 6 episodes, but in 4 out of 6 of them you can remember to throw in comments and suggestions and props to make sure we *really* get what tying someone to a chair for a month or two would entail? B/c seriously: PRIORITIES XDDDD


zoicite April 10 2013, 00:17:37 UTC
lol, seriously though.

Also I'm sitting over here cursing myself for not thinking of closing out the post with this yesterday:

... )


istne_pieklo April 10 2013, 00:22:08 UTC
Oh God, ttly!
Btw I completely agree with everything you said about the Hal/Alex romance. (I do think he's very hot, but that is so not the reason to act like he's suddenly her Prince Charming.))


zoicite April 10 2013, 00:59:22 UTC
Oh, I think he's pretty hot too. I'm just not sure I find him hot enough that that hotness could survive sitting there for a month watching some dude help him take a dump in a bucket. Because that's the real measure here!


istne_pieklo April 10 2013, 01:14:50 UTC
Absolutely! Especially if you've basically just met that dude!!! Poor Alex.


zoicite April 10 2013, 01:22:05 UTC
and especially if this Bucket Month happens pretty much right after you catch him licking your maggoty congealed blood off a cement floor!

Man, he's dreamy.


istne_pieklo April 10 2013, 01:31:26 UTC
Okay, I honestly don't get this ship. It makes even less sense than Annie/Mitchell to me. O_o


eirenical April 10 2013, 00:30:54 UTC
OK. I don't normally horn in on other people's threads, but...

*dies laughing* EPIC. XD


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