Dear Yule Writer:
New friend or old, I'm pleased to meet you! I hope you'll enjoy your time with my beloved little fandoms.
Dark City (John Murdoch, Daniel Schreber)
Flatliners (Nelson Wright, David Labraccio)
Lost Boys (David)
Details, likes, squicks and DNWs! )
(their sons are going to grow up surprisingly well adjusted but making a lot of gagging noises over like, everything their parents do. lololol)
I have to agree they are not your typical het couple. Thinking about it, I am now wondering if Kate might not be some version of demi? She never reacts well to any romantic/sexual interest in her until she meets Petruchio and it takes her a while to warm up to him.
I am glad you are enjoying my shenanigans and give my love to El
(Tbh I think I was was too distracted by his legs in those tights to get to imagining sex XD )
"Can you please not snog each other in front of my friends?"
"Please hide your sex toys, okay, please hide your special grown-up toys before my friends get here."
"I neither want to know nor do I care why the two of you are dressed like that. Please just get out of sight before my friends see you."
I'd feel bad for them but they really have a great life XD
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