Mar 08, 2005 10:06
First off to start, i feel i am doing a bit better. There are some things i want to work out, but this time alone is really helping. I can already feel more of myself. ::breathes:: Im grateful.
Lately i have been putting alot of thought into moving out soon. Some of you know this. The plan is to get a job working at a school this summer, save up money for a few months, and then move out. Only i would like to have a roomate. If anyone is interested please let me know, and i will think about it. ^-^
So far im happy with the way things are going at school. Im really not into my phsyiological psychology class. Its really putting a damper on my interest in psychology, but i will push through it and get it over with. Learning about neurons and how the brain works and how that affects your behavior is interesting, but not my cup of tea.
I was actually thinking of picking up a third major or minor. Maybe in education? I dont know. I really want to travel alot in my lifetime and having a felxible major would a plus. i already know that i want to live in Japan for a few years, and then move to a place where it snows, and then to a place that has pleasant winds, and then maybe retire near a beach, or away in the mountains. I really want to travel mainly for the experience. I dont care if i have a nice house, or many possessions. Just as long as im happy with myself, my surroundings, my career, and my family (of course family also includes my dearest friends), i will be content.
You know its been so long since i have spoken or even seen Andrew that i have amost forgotten what our relationship was like. I find that to be a sad thing. Nothing really loses its value as long as someone remembers, but the way things are i doubt he remembers either. Im still really upset about him not being my friend anymore, but if this is what he wants then so be it. You can't change the way someone feels. I just feel bad knowing that the potential we had has gone to waist.
One important thing about being in a relationship is letting yourself be vulnerable. If you are too afraid of being hurt, then your relationship will fail. In order to know love, you must know pain. It just goes hand in hand. Just remember that pendulum.