Man, what a slow day. I miss going to school and studying 5 hours straight. At least then my brain was being put to good use. At least then i felt productive. Well really i dont have any right to complain. I could always read a book, or work out. But noooooo!!! I have to sit on the computer for hours without end staring blankly at my screen waiting for something remotely exciting to happen. I used to be such a bookworm *sigh* i miss it too. I could read a 200 page book withing two days. Reason being that i had others things going on also, otherwise i could have probably finished it within a day. It was cool because i would always read 2-3 books a week. I would walk around school with a new book every few days, that was cool. When and why did i stop? Who knows...I think its because i was going through Adolesence, and the choice of friends i made were not into that. Not that it matters now in the slightest, seeing how im not friends with any of those people anymore 0_o. Heh.
I think im doing better. Today seemed easier on my emotions. I didnt burst out in tears for no reason, which is good. I did however wonder what Andrew was upto, but only because i have not talked to him yet. Whatever it is he is doing, i hope he is having a good time. So Castle has ITG now. HOW SAD IS THAT?!?!?! Very sad indeed -_-. Andrew was telling me that Anthony, Ash, Phil, Suupa, Paul, Jenny, Aaron were there. Practically the whole DDR community was there. Now isnt that funny? The whole DDR community huvering around an ITG machine. People are odd, but im sure you knew that, unless you are odd yourself. Odd meening average, which is funny because in this world someone like me would be considered odd. Ha! Thats hilarious. I guess you can say its all a matter of opinion and how people view the world. Or you can just say that society is close minded, materialistic, and superficial, among other things of course. Im sure there are good traits in there *cough*. Or you can just say that im an egotistical bitch, that works too. Dont worry, ive heard it many times before...-_-
Hey i found these awesome curly falls. *drools* Me wants......
Would most likely get them with black base, and blue highlights. Not this...mustard+ketchup combo 0_o
What do i have planned for tomorrow? Absolutely nothing! Wont anyone come and take me away? I thought people liked me ;_;