Well. Time to confide some things... I suppose. Perhaps spilling some random thoughts.
I've been reading HBP diligently. I must say... I love it. But the more I read, the more my heart aches. Why? I know I'm getting extremely near (only pages away) from the things I have heard about, because some idiotic people spoiled me (and... accidentally slipped). I nearly cried when I skipped ahead (because I don't like dark surprises... but I don't like people giving away precious information of the book either).
My father has been visiting me and my mother a lot... A week before. Driving us around... laughing like we've gone mad over some silly jokes..
My mother and I got into a car accident the second day that we came back.
It was sort of scary... she got injured the most out of four (my uncle was driving.. and he had a friend at the front.) We were all sleeping (I suspect my uncle was dozing off).. and then BANG. We hit the end of a bus. The entire front of the car was ... smashed? And smoke started fuming into the car. Apparently my mum's kidneys are sort of... broken and she is sporting a huge bruise, thanks to the seatbelt. I still have a bruise on my foot, which hurts very much... but at least I didn't have to stay at the hospital for 3-4 days for inspection (my mother did while the rest of us were okay). My uncle's face was swollen badly... but it died down in two days, thanks to the power of ice.
Two days till I leave Taiwan and frankly... I REALLY DON'T WANT TO GO BACK. Though I miss my crazy friends... and posting at DA without much to worry about (like getting kicked off by my cousin.. or him sort of.. glaring at me..) .. I guess I really like the fact that there are so many people here and that my relatives are near. I'm usually home alone and it gets really lonely without having anyone to talk to. I mean, sure, there's my mum .. but it's different.
Everything is different.
...I miss the madnessSs.
More than anyone knows.
edit: ... grief is gripping me.
i'm crying hysterically. i finally finished hbp.
i feel so dead...