
This is an unusually cool quiz,

Mar 21, 2005 20:03

and as such, I refuse to LJ-cut it.

If I was a month I would be August.
If I was a time of day I would be 8:14am in summer or 6:11am in winter.
If I was a planet I would be Neptune.
If I was a sea animal I would be an anemone.
If I was a direction I would be North-East.
If I was a piece of furniture I would be a cupboard.
If I was a sin I would be something obscure and preferably not involving goats.
If I was a number I would be 3.14 - not pi, just 3.14.
If I was a liquid I would be balsamic vinegar.
If I was a stone, I would be sandstone with quartz.
If I was a tree, I would be an oak.
If I was a bird, I would be a budgie.
If I was a tool, I would be ashamed. Or a coping saw.
If I was a grade in school, I would be B-. Or grade 5.
If I was an outfit, I would be a wooshy chiffony dress.
If I was a stereotype, I would be a nerd.
If I was a natural disaster, I would be a flood.
If I was a musical instrument, I would be a cello.
If I was a color, I would be stormy grey.
If I was a fictional character, I would be Prince Charming (not from Shrek!).
If I was an emotion, I would be bleary.
If I was a vegetable/fruit, I would be a pear.
If I was an element, I would be krypton.
If I was a candy, I would be candy floss.
If I was a song, I would be 'The Last Time I Saw Richard,' by Joni Mitchell.
If I was a poem, I would be a sonnet.
If I was a word, I would be in Latin.
If I was a sound, I would be rain.
If I was a flower/plant, I would be a tulip.
If I was a kind of weather, I would be a summer storm.

meme, ramblings

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