How are you all today? I am...melancholy. Not in a bad way. Just...I just am, is all. I am because not being would be so...weird. Empty, only not, because I wouldn't feel it. It's hard to think about it.
I feel like everything is just a little less, these past few days. It's as though existence is just a layer of tissue that I might go crashing through at any given moment,into...Any ideas? Comment. It's like take-a-penny leave-a-penny, except with thoughts.
On a far more mindless (less mindful?) note,
Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band
Created by naw5689 and taken 13155 times.
Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:Franz FerdinandAre you male or female:JacquelineDescribe yourself:Take Me OutHow do some people feel about you:This FireHow do you feel about yourself:Shopping for BloodDescribe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:Cheating on YouDescribe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:Come on HomeDescribe where you want to be:The Dark of the MatineeDescribe what you want to be:Van TangoDescribe how you live:All for You, SophiaDescribe how you love:Words so LeisuredShare a few words of wisdomTell Her Tonight
Have I sufficiently bored you yet? Good. My work here is done.