Nov 10, 2012 16:02
I went ahead and bought a ninja turtles action figure because it was sorta on sale (a whole $1 off) and I thought it looked neat. Generally, I like action figures over the fancy comic book store statues because the sculpts are almost as good, they're cheaper, and when I inevitablly knock them off the shelf they don't shatter into a million pieces. Downside is that I have way too many, and it's a little sad when you gotta shove most of them into a bin in the closet.
Now that I have opened it and ruined its collector's value, yeah, the sculpt is pretty cool. And it's weird that the iconic weapons are separate, but a bunch of other weapons are included on a sprue.
Modelling has totally bettered or worsened me on these things, it's hard to tell which. I have snips to remove all the weapons from the sprue, but then I look at them and some OCD desire wells up to take some paints to them. One solid color? Nooo, the handles at least should be different! I also want to take a wash to the teeth, because the paint job on the figure is good, but the teeth are just all white. It could be better!
Also they painted the outside of the tape that's around the fingers, but not the inside parts, like where the tape runs across the palms. Fucking lazy Chinese factory workers!
The funny thing is that while I like the toy, I've caught a few episodes of the new CGI Turtles cartoon, and don't care for it. There are a couple things I thought were interesting with it, Leonardo watches a parody of The Star Trek Animated Series and apparently holds Not-Captain Kirk up as a role model for leadership (This NEVER comes up except for that's what he does in his spare time, watch that show and sigh, with longing. If Leo went full Shatner, I'd retract every bad thing I even thought about this cartoon, ever), there's a little bit more detail on the turtles that looks cool, like cracks in their shells, tape on their fingers, etc. aaaand, that's about it. They have pupils again, which I have ALWAYS hated, various other bits I don't like and they are shipping hard between Donatello and April, which is gross.
This is one of those things where I can't tell if they're going for the typical aesop of "It doesn't matter what you look like! It's your inner beauty that counts!", or if the writers are looking to subvert that shit later, by showing children the harsh reality that even if you really like a girl, she might not reciprocate. Because, you know, you're two different species.
Either way it's the worst "Will they, won't they?" of all time, and I think I can die without regrets if I NEVER find out how they choose to wrap it up.
Edit P.S.: I have been getting the weirdest spam on here lately. The last one was 'I am secretly in love with you, here's a link to (something like that). I know they're spamming at random, but still, pretty much anything I've written here seems like a really, really, really poor choice for "This. This right here is what makes me love Zogar."