Icky blog (not to be repeted)

Sep 27, 2007 15:42

So my mom has convinced me to go on this diet. She went on it with Billy a few months back and they both lost a lot of weight. More importantly, I can only be on it for a maximum two months--then I have to take a "break" before I can do it again. Two months I can do. I wouldn't be mentioning this, except I'll be seeing a lot of you at Octoberfest. I thought briefly about avoiding it all together, but that was just laziness on my part. So I'm going to bring my own food. I kept trying to figure out a time to start this thing so that it wouldn't interupt anything, but it was just impossible. And I want to be completely off it by Thanksgiving (already planning a five course meal to top last years feast *grin*). If you want details, you can read the "book" (not that long) by the guy to invented it at http://www.hcgdietinfo.com/HCG_Diet_Dr_Simeons_Manuscript.htm . I started on Monday and I plan on stopping the Sunday before Thanksgiving (gotta give myself time to cook!). So far I haven't really been hungry and I've lost at least four pounds (forgot to weight myself the first day, so it could be more). My ability to be culinarily creative are being taxed though. Still, nothing forces you to be creative like limits (learned that when I gave up gluten and dairy in hopes of helping my allergies--some of you may remember that). If this works as well as other people say it has (you may recall my mistrust for what other people say), I might do it again in January. "They" claim you don't gain the weight back and my mom hasn't (then again, she eats crazy healthy to the point of obsession). We'll see.
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