My portraits - N&E

Jun 29, 2012 00:44

All portraits here have been inspired by my characterization of each figure in my post-Reichenbach Johnlock epic
Nutrisco & exstinguo

Those are not paintings. They are photo manipulations done via photoshops. The original pictures are not mine and are owned by the BBC. I make no profit whatsoever out of these, and no copyright infringement is intended.







Inspired by Chapter 1 - Ultima forsan (Sherlock-centric)

This wasn't supposed to happen. You had never intended to take a flatmate. Of course there was the rent issue, and you definitely did not want to rely on your family's money or, God forbid, Mycroft's - wait, were you supposed to consider him family too? You did not need it. If you set your mind to it, you're obviously smart enough to succeed financially. As a consulting detective, of course - because really, could you be expected to be anything else? You would never give up the Work for money in any way. In fact, you would never give up the Work for anything. So yes, you had been rather bored that day, what with Lestrade being stubborn and still not calling you for the serial suicides, and told Mike Stamford of all people that no one would ever want to share a flat with you - something that did sound a bit insecure in hindsight. But even you had certainly not expected the man to come back the very same day with an old pal from uni. You had deduced already that it was useless to talk to Mike - and consequently, harmless - because he couldn't possibly have known anyone who would cope with someone like you (and who did?). But then he had to suddenly run into John Watson. And something must have been wrong with you - possibly Molly's coffee, you never know what she could have mistaken for the sugar in a mortuary - you actually let John catch your interest, and you thought: why not? The army doctor wouldn't last long anyway, and until then you might even be given some work to do, in which case you wouldn't even need the distraction any more. But John had stayed. John had laughed in amazement at your deductions about his past, he had followed you to a crime scene and refused a bribe for spying on you (and God knows, he needed the money). He had killed a man for you within two days of making your acquaintance. And so you had realized how much John needed this - the thrill, the danger, the action.
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Companion piece to:


Inspired by Chapter 25 of my post-Reichenbach epic NUTRISCO & EXSTINGUO
(which you can also find on DA ¤ on FFnet ¤ on AO3 ¤ on Tumblr)

Gulping down his toast, John runs to the bathroom to wash a bit while the tea is brewing - one of the good things about having the flat all to himself is that he can burst into what used to be Sherlock's bathroom without warning and just use it as his own. Then again, nothing is good enough to make up for the man's absence.

John still sees him everywhere. Upon waking when his eyes meet the empty side of the bed on which Sherlock had lain that night when John was having a nightmare about Charlie's death. In the staircase where John still hears their steps rushing down every time Sherlock was called by Lestrade, where John remembers having limped once, wondering why he was so fascinated by that maniac he'd just met and with whom he was about to move in. And the living-room... Sherlock is everywhere in 221B, and John wouldn't live anywhere else, enjoying the bitter-sweetness of the everlasting presence.

Read more or {Go to Chapter 1}

Also in their Changing by your side version:

JW - Changing by your side





SH - Changing by your side






Inspired by Chapter XXIII - Fluctuat nec mergitur {Sherlock-centric}

Concentrating, you went to the deepest part of your mind, the secret, locked room. Nothing was hidden there. There was nothing. Nothing but one big red button.
You considered it for a while. You were very calm when you pressed it.
There was an explosion like you'd never seen any - perhaps something like a supernova, you mused, before the thought was drowned into the blinding flow.

The button had been pressed, and Sherlock had effectively blown up his mind palace. To transform it into an archipelago.
Who cared for a palace anyway? Pirates ruled over the sea and the currents between islands. They didn't care for warm hands holding a gun to save their life, or for a place somewhere ashore tha they'd call home. They held the gun, and were unattached - the sea their womb.

The sea their tomb.

[Read more] or {Go to Chapter I}





The Woman

" I would have you, right here, on this desk, until you begged for mercy twice."
(Irene Adler, A Scandal in Belgravia, BBC Sherlock)





Shade? Blood.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no... It’s been a pleasure. Don’t spoil it. This is how I want you to remember me: the woman who beat you."
(Irene Adler, A Scandal in Belgravia, BBC Sherlock)





I've always trusted you.

Inspired by Chapter IV - Utraque Unum (Molly-centric)

Every chapter is one character centric and Chapter III is the first Molly-centric chapter of the story :)

Yes, she decided, she was over Sherlock. Ok, so maybe she wasn't, but it was pathetic, because since the whole incident with Irene Adler she had known for sure she didn't stand a chance. Not because of Miss Adler, mind you. But for one thing, Sherlock had been nice to her. He had actually apologized after having so stupidly mocked her and her silly gift without knowing it was addressed to him. That's when Molly realized how much he had changed since he had met John - and she wasn't saying John had a good influence on him or anything like that, no. Rather, Sherlock was willing to make efforts to adapt, to change himself to please the doctor. Not all the time, of course - he still acted like a prick and ruined all his dates and considered he should be his number one priority. But wasn't that all too telling?

[Read more] or {Go to Chapter 1}






"I'll burn you... I'll burn the heart out of you."

cf. Overture - La Gazza Ladra





Good luck with that.

"Well, here we are at last. You and me, Sherlock. And our problem, our final problem...STAYING ALIVE! So boring, isn't it? Just staaaying...
As long as I'm alive, you can save your friends, and walk away...
Well, good luck with that."
Jim Moriarty, in The Reichenbach Falls (c) BBC

molly, sherlock, sherlock holmes, reichenbach, moriarty, fanart, irene adler

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