Sherlock Holmes's Paw stories

Jun 06, 2012 07:06

And finally the different Paw stories :) This is for the series Robina Snyder and I are currently working on: basically Sherlock is turned into a feline and is being taken care of by different characters. Robina's already posted her Molly story and her Lestrade story, and she will be taking care of Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson and Moriarty. My characters are John, Irene and Mycroft.

Molly Hooper finds a soaked, shivering, half starved black cat on the street as she walks home. She takes him home to care for, letting out some of her secrets in the process.

Lestrade's daughter brings a cat back to his flat. Lestrade is too busy being frustrated with his cruddy flat to realize the consulting detective he's looking for is right under his nose.

When the door was pushed open, John grabbed his handgun. When something heavy jumped on his bed and roared, he fired. The roar broke into a wail as the tiger fell back. A tiger. There was a tiger in his room. Johnlock, bromance or slash. Tiger!SH

cat!sherlock, sherlock fanfiction stories, paw stories, johnlock, bromance, sherlock/john, slash, manul, sherlock fic, john/sherlock, manul!john, pre-slash

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