Back to the living

Aug 18, 2013 19:06

This week I came home from the August boat trip. Like April, the voyage was two weeks for the purpose of observing marine mammals and marine birds along the north coast of BC. It was a good trip and we saw epic amounts of humpback whales on their northern migration to Alaska as well as fin whales, killer whales, porpoises and dolphins. Here is a shot of the bridge of the Ocean Royal. The job basically entailed sitting in deck chairs on the bow for 12 hours- there were six of us in total with four on at all times, plus three crew members (a captain, engineer and cook). This time around thogh we constantly battled the fog which meant several times we had to stop- or not start- the surveys. Apparently, this time of year up there is called 'fogust'.

The views were lovely. The soft light, the endless old growth and lapping sounds of the sea were always around us.

In other news, here's what an 82 lbs halibut looks like.  We all tried our hand at jigging (a hook, a weight, a line and tugging from the gunwhale to mimic the flash of a prey fish). But this monster was caught by one of our First Nations representatives on board (Archie Dundas from the Gitga'at)- it meant we had lots of fish to eat. Along with the fresh crab and prawns, it was quite the constant feasting. Though I don't think I'll have halibut again for a good long time.,,


It was a great trip and I'm glad to be home. Now I can focus on some a&s stuff! Like embroidering a front panel. Stay tuned!

field work

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