
May 31, 2007 23:37

I want penpals! x

I now have penpals!  I now have three American penpals and one German penpal so far!  Exciting :) 

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marauded June 2 2007, 10:16:52 UTC
today? ouch! well, you're probably embroiled in them at the moment. Its easier when you're doing something you enjoy though, no? Well, when I was in school this year, I didn't have time, as I do 8 subjects for my exams (a-levels do 3 or 4 don't they?), but now its the summer I'll have heaps of time! And of course I'll keep it up in college. I love sending gifts, and I love recieving letters in the mail :D Yup, best to start after my exams. They finish on June 15th. Ohhh, may I ask you a question seeing as you're a fashionista. What skinny jeans do you recommend? I'm after a black pair and a plain jean type pair? All my other jeans are ill fitting or too big. Cheap crap. Someone recommended these to me: https://www.topshop.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=19551&storeId=12556&categoryId=74441&parent_category_rn=74433&productId=228582&langId=-1
Bonne chance!


zoex June 2 2007, 18:28:18 UTC
Hello! Hahha I am not a 'fashionista' I wear pajamas most of the time! Those X Jeans are sort of amazing but now they sag on me! I am scared of washing them too because Top Shop jeans fade so quick so always handwash/delicate wash them and they don't go -tight.- But they are really, really nice and they are PROPER skinny. I used to wear mine all of the time and I still would if they hadn't started to sag and fall off a bit. I would recommend them still because I don't know if it is just having a weird body shape (not curvy enough to hold them up - they fit fine around the legs just not the hips!) Actually if you wore them with a thin belt they would be fine.

I tend to wear Cheap Mondays now though (from the Urban Outfitters website). They are incredibly comfortable - although I hated them to start off with! They have a higher waist which I wasn't sure about but means they stay up better and just look better. They aren't quite as SKINNY though.

Gosh, crazy jeans rant. They are both lovely types of jeans anyways.
Let me know what you get! x


marauded June 2 2007, 19:27:30 UTC
Flattery will get you everywhere, I really like the clothes you buy (well what i've seen) so I thought I'd ask! I think i'll splash out on the x jeans and the cheap mondays, but i really don't like the big cheap mondays label on the back. That was a fairly accurate jeans comment though I must say! I supposes sadly, these things do happen (saggy jeans). I'm just sick of having no decent jeans. Plus I don't have any nice belts!
How was the exam today?
Oh I'm thinking of getting this, but I'm worried it might be a bit grannyish.. thoughts? xx


zoex June 2 2007, 19:50:57 UTC
Argggh don't link me to that site hehe :)
What is your userpicture of? I like it lots. It reminds me of a book.
Well the whole reason I avoided getting Cheap Mondays was because of the label on the back because I thought it was terrible! You never see it really and now I sort of think it doesn't look that bad.

I like that top but I can't wear shiny things. I am gradually getting rid of so many of my clothes. Even really nice things because they just don't suit me! Oh and this is the last thing I bought from there:

I am a little bit in love with it!

I really want some vintage dresses for the Summer. Ones that I actually wear this time. :(

P.S That top is a lovely colour !


marauded June 2 2007, 20:17:57 UTC
I don't wear shiney things either.. it looks awful in the green chiffon one.
I just missed out on a pair of cheap mondays without the label on tsuk!! :( boo
Hmmm, I may splash out on it so, they'll reject my card most likely again. Damn it, I'll treat myself! I always look in my wardrobe and lament that I have nothing to wear.. I'd probably buy some of your stuff if you sold it on tsuk! *sigh* I don't know what does and doesn't suit me really. I probably look like a twat in some stuff. Oh well :P

Ohhhh, pretty top! I prefer the 2nd more colourful one though. £38? ouch! But I can't talk, I bought those Topshop kate moss white wayfarers and I'm not sure I'll even wear them! Plus my last UO hasn't arrived yet and I ordered it 3weeks ago =/

Which icon do you refer to m'lady? My default one or the lovely scarlett icon above ^^


hey - do you've msn? :P


zoex June 2 2007, 20:27:43 UTC
Yes I have msn! Add me: totorolovesme@hotmail.com
Although I can't go on it until after my exams haha.

Aw I didn't see any Cheap Mondays on TSUK. I have some black topshop skinnies if you want let me know and I'll take a picture.

I NEVER have anything to wear! At the moment all I wear is U.O silk blouses (I have four which adds up to £180 which scares me because it is such a waste of money) and jeans with black flats.

At the moment I have some bits and pieces in the mail and a Lush parcel that I am VERY excited about coming from a lj friend. I am actually so excited about soap hehe. I don't have any wayfarers! I would look silly in them. I only have one pair of big sunglasses (they are a bit too big) but I am going to get more this Summer I think! I always feel so silly in sunglasses!

Isn't three weeks a bit long?!! I meant the one with the lady in red! What is it from?

MMmmm I have Chinese food :)


marauded June 2 2007, 20:51:03 UTC
Awww, I shouldn't be on here - I start exams in 3 days! Exams that decide what college I get into :( I really hope I do ok, I'm dreading the Macbeth question! And I'll have to prepare an essay.. i was thinking a WW2 setting, with a young land girl as the heroine! :P
Yep, I've got like 3rd dibs on them.. so I won't get them :( Oh well, c'est la vie. Hmm, well I can't really afford to spend atm, as I'm bidding on like 2 things on ebay atm and I've jsut bought things off ebay and now I want that top.. its a vicious circle.

UO silk blouses.. sounds so fancy! Oh I know what you mean about money wasting. But if you get good wear out of them its not so bad!

LUSH <3 I'm using my moisturiser so sparingly that when I went to get my eyebrows done a few weeks ago, the lady said I'd really dry skin =/ Which is true unfortunately! I'm considering selling the glasses so i can justify my recent splurges!

Yup, UO said parceline said it called to my house and there was no-one there.. whatever. I don't even have a house number so they must be psychic. Lady in Red.. how apt as its Miss Scarlett O'Hara aka Vivien Leigh in a still from GWTW :)


zoex June 2 2007, 20:59:02 UTC
Macbeth iss sooooooooooooooooooooo eassssy. Just all the double meanings etc you willlll be fine. I wish I was doing WW2 next year as well!

I understand about the jeans. I am trying to spend my pennies wisely at the moment. Can't wait for job time! *dances*

I hate Parcelforce. Took them two weeks once to deliver an UO parcel force deliveyr for me - they kept hanging up and laughing.

Buy the top buy it buy it buy it!!


marauded June 2 2007, 21:08:01 UTC
So they say, but you could get lumped with an awful character question or a theme (have to learn like 5 and i only have notes for 3).

Yes, I can't wait to start my job so I can actually pay for my stuff!

They hung up and laughed at you? WTF?! How unprofessional!! Jeez.

Oh you've pushed me to it against my better judgement (ahem!)

Ohhh, can i ask you what skins in? is it some british tv programme, I don't have satelitte so I don't get bbc, etc.


zoex June 2 2007, 22:13:06 UTC
Hi sorry!
Skins is a tv programme set in Bristol about some teenagers. You can download it all here: www.minninova.org if you want or find out more about it on the www.channel4.com website I think!
Hope that helps x
P.S It is quite good! :)


marauded June 2 2007, 22:34:53 UTC


this thread has turned into quite the little chatroom!


marauded June 2 2007, 23:28:41 UTC
i tried www.minninova.org but its all porn stuff?


zoex June 2 2007, 23:31:13 UTC
mininova.org Sorry! <3


zoex June 2 2007, 20:29:53 UTC
P.S I got the top in the more colourful colour!!


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