100 Truths-stolen from amanda

Aug 17, 2009 19:06

Some of my lj friends are mentioned so take a lookie :P

1 I'm Straight-edge and very proud of myself
2 I have high morals and values and think everyone should have my standards
3 I have my ears pierced 2x left side lip 1x and left eyebrow 1x
4 I live with my mum
5 I'm an only child and love it so much!
6 Sometimes i wish i had a brother or sister but only when i feel really alone
7 I love sushi but hate seaweed and all seafood including fish
8 I call my cat my son because he is.
9 He means more to me than any guy ever will in a sense
10 Yes i give my son kisses
11 My favorite shows are NCIS, Bones, Numbers, CSI/CSI Miami
12 Recently i have discovered Micheal Weatherly and David Boroneaz are the sexiest men alive
13 Micheal Weatherly is more like his character Tony than Tony-its scary.
14 Im not gaga over joe Jonas but somehow in my dreams im always wanting him/or we make out
15 The last week ive been having a dream everynight-sometimes a whole movie length one.
16 Some of my online friends are my CLOSEST and BEST friends
17 One day i want to meet them all
18 Im saving up to go to North Carolina to see one of them<3
19 I love Wendys Broccoli and cheese potatoes because of the cheese sauce.
20 Somehow i fangirl over older sexy men in my favorite shows instead of disney guys
21 Every guy ive ever been involved with has been older except 1 who seemed older anyway
22 I like older guys because they are more mature and know a lot more about life and how to live right
23 I used to have a nickname for this guy at the local gas station, i named him "Hot blonde guy"
24 Every time we drove past, if i saw him id yell his name out in the car and mum would laugh and/or join in
25 Now theres this CUTE brazillian guy that works at the other gas station
26 Ive set my sights on him, so be ready RAWR
27 Ive been in love with a guy who doesnt feel the same way~
28 One of my oldest guy friends told me he liked me and we made out then i discovered he lied about it
29 Hes out of my life now for good
30 Even if its a silly white lie and doesnt mean anything i hate anyone who lies
31 My mother jokes around with white lies and i get so mad
32 If my mother died i honestly think i would either kill myself of have to go to the loony bin.
33 A few times ive freaked out at the thought of dying
34 The best way to die is to fall asleep~
35 Im addicted to the GPX site with pokemon eggs like dragoncave
36 I couldnt live without my laptop/phone or music
37 I'm brutally honest with people sometimes
38 I like people who can handle the truth and appreciate it even if its bad
39 I feel like im growing up too fast and will never get a boyfriend again
40 I want to be one of those people who restock vending machines
41 Most people dont like me the first time they meet me
42 I wish i had the guts to punch some girls i hate in their face and know i wouldnt get in trouble
43 I want to work with my friend but the position i want only lets guys do it
44 The best supermarket job is stocking shelfs
45 I could never work at the checkouts because i wouldnt touch certain things
46 I'm glad my cloest friend doesnt like a praying mantises like me, it makes me feel happy inside
47 I have a bipolor music taste
48 My favorite artists sing about sex,drugs and alcohol which i hate
49 But i LOVE them anyway
50 2 of my favorite artists have huge ear plugs and i hate them for being dumbasses
51 Just yesterday i realised that Nevershoutnever!'s chris was in eatmewhileimhot!
52 I have them both downloaded and didnt realise he sung in both groups
53 He can sing acoustic soft songs and scream which impresses me a lot.
54 I have an addiction to skull things with a side of peace signs and stars
56 My neighbours a total bitch and im glad shes moving really soon
57 I hope some people my age move in next
58 Im so glad im still a virgin
59 I could never ever be peer pressured
60 I really hate sluts and drunks
61 Most days i just sit at home in my pjs online
62 But i want to get a job and am trying right now
63 I think south park is stupid, immature and pathetic.
64 Ive never known where the saying "thats what she said" came from
65 I'm really glad there is no more Jomilla
67 I want either Joe or Nick to date a non famous kinda chubby girl with a great personality
68 They also need to shop singign every song about a gf because they always break up anyway
69 I currently have 2 bedrooms
70 I live in the best part of New Zealand
71 The best thing i ever did was leave school early
72 I hate young girls who get pregnant and ruin their life
73 I hate a lot of things, maybe more than i like.
74 I think Matt from Digimon 2 is one of the hottest guys ever-even if he is cartoon
75 People need to stop leeting others push them into things and do what THEY want
76 Nobody should be with someone who abuses you in ANY way.
77 I get annoyed when you see woman staying with them anyway-its like dude get some balls
78 I wouldnt be able to live a normal life without my glasses
79 I'm totally into Japanese style
90 One of my goals is to go to the biggest pokemon store in japan and the hersheys, M&M, and reeces store in the US
91 I have clothes and shoes i havent even worn yet
92 We used to have a HUGE palm tree in the middle of our front lawn
93 I have no idea how it got there either
94 I hate when lj GIF icons move too fast
95 Angela makes amazing GIF icons but thinks they are just ok
96 She is nuts but i love her anyway
97 My mum hates fake cheese but i love it
98 My mother also makes the best home cooked meals
99 ATM i have only like 3 RL friends :/ Most are online
100 And this is the end :P
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