(no subject)

Jun 13, 2006 21:41

T.h.e. W.h.o.s
Who is in the house with you? parents, pets
Who was the last person to IM you? errk
Who are you thinking about now? tee hee heeee I'M NOT GOING TO TELLLL
Who did you last talk to on the phone? my sister i think?
Who's house did you last go to? i definitely do not remember. probably seb's
Who do you sit next to in your 2nd class? jordyn hodder
Who's really smart? car!
Who is you favorite teacher? well evvvver it's a tie between mr graydon and mr canham. and right now,i guess ms landry. just because she's a nut
Who's birthday is next? MINE. and my dad's. and my dog's. and my cat's.
Who was the last person you told you love them? i never have. unless you're including parents
Who's your favorite relative?
Who gets on your nerves the most from your school? people who don't know how to walk properly in the halls

T.h.e. W.h.e.r.e.s.
Where do you go to school? Lisgar
Where do you live? Ottawa
Where is your phone? on the second little part of my desk
Where are your parents? in the garden
Where do you sleep? my bed. duuuh
Where do you shop the most? hmm. i really don't shop too much. probably a food store?
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? montreal
Where did you last take a car ride to? home
Where in your house are you? my bedroom
Where did you get this survey? seb, josh and lilly

T.h.e. W.h.a.t.s
What was the last thing you ate? the mango slices i accidentally stole from claire (whoops! i am sorry!)
What was the last thing you drank? tha H two O
What color pants are you wearing now? blue
What kind of cell phone do you have? LG
What is the coolest item near you that's blue? ummmm. coolest? well i guess that would be the painter's tape
What do you like about school? art art art
What are you wearing on your feet? shoooes
What instant messaging service do you use? msn
What is your favorite color? all of them
What is your screen name? - Zoe -
What do you wear more; jeans or skirts? jeans
What is the last movie watched? baha. 'Ghost'. yaaaay patrick swayze
What song do you currently hear? some song from laguna beach (blaahaha)

T.h.e. W.h.y.s
Why are you taking this survey? because i am very bored
Why does basically half the world have a blog? because basically half the world is incredibly bored, thanks to the tv attention span
Why do we have to go to school? because the man says so
Why are (some) guys jerks? because they want to show off infront of everyone? pssh i don't know. most people are jerks, not just 'some guys'
Why are your best friends your best friends? biunno?
Why are people labeled (like emo, goth, prep etc.)? because we like labelling everything. everything must be part of a category, or else it's 'weird' or 'abnormal'. psh. i hate humans
Why is wood brown? because that is the colour of dead xylem and phloem?
Why does the news repeat the same stuff over and over? because all people care about is a niiiice story about some catastrophe, or death, and if there isn't a new one, then why not show the old one? who cares about real stories? FEEEEEEH

T.h.e. W.h.e.n.s
When did you start school? when i was juuuust a liiiiitle giiiirl
When did you meet your best friend? neerg
When is your birthday? June 30
When did you last go to the mall? i have no clue
When did you last buy a new pair of pants? december
When did you last burn a candle? iunoo
When were you last at school? today (tuesday)
When did you last see your dad? dinnertime
When did you last take a shower? last night
When was your last kiss? bleeeeeeeeeeeeep
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