<3 <3 <3

Feb 10, 2005 01:08

i definitely think this was the best day in a heeeella long time. man. big d was totally amazing, although they didn't play evil girl angry girl! and after i talked to dave mcwane (:O:O *orgasms*) and we had a conversation about it. and how i look like kirsten dunst? bleh. i've never liked her much. so yeah. and we signed a piece of paper for me *sigh* <3 <3 <3
but AHCK. even minus the whole E.G.A.G. thing, i doubt i could've had a better time. i mean, everyone was there. and we all skanked up a storm. except for david, but you gotta give him credit for trying (teee heheheheh what a larf). and there was the pineapple. oh ben. such a clever kid. ooh and the skanking tree. SO trippy. but yeah, i swear i had about 500,000 orgasms. ACK and i talked to him! the guy i've been wanting to sex up for mooonths. and and and AGH. and thank you eric, for your generosity of buying me stuff. mmm. big d pin. hmmm. i want to write mooore. more about the absolute wonderfulness that was this night. i know, i'll sum it up: p.1 boring. p.2 ok. p.3 interesting. p.4 CRAFTS! apres l'ecole, lilly, josh, david, grace, and katie came here and we ate pizza and did.. stuff? i don't actually remember, it's all kind of a hyper exstatic blur. but then came the bands! crowned king sucked. the know how were good fast ska shtuff. and then, big fuckin' d. *ejaculates* so, a good long while of skaning to some great tunes. then there was the encore, which was saddening because i was so expecting evil girl angry girl and/or bender. ahhh well. so then some standing around, and contemplaiting whether or not i wanted to talk to mr. Big D himself, so finally i decided to, and it was.. hooott. ahaha no. anywho, i will never ever forget this night. neeever ever
oh yes, and happy birthday kate!
eeehhehe ---> http://www.collegehumor.com/?movie_id=110648
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