Dec 07, 2007 20:07
Well I have some friends I've had for a long time and do love them dearly....But as time goes on I find that it's harder to get them to keep in touch and when I don't make the effort I get the riot act of "where have you been"? and all the excuses, especially using kids as such. But when I beg their apology (for being busy with working a mere 9-10 hrs a day most of the time 6 days a week and having a very hectic schedule)for not returning the call right away I get nothing but tude. A friend that I once had a common bond with seems to have nothing better to talk about than old gossip. Am I holding on to old bonds that need to be cut or can they be mended? I will confess that I am a hermit in my own right and really do not try to reach out socially. I find that the older I get the less I find good quality people in the world...even when I was younger I was never about quantity over quality.
I have been listing to the Chronicles of Narnia on audio. I still say there is nothing like hearing a good book read aloud. This is my way of rereading and revisiting all of the books I did so enjoy before. I'm moving onto the second book in the inheritance series by C.Paolini. I tend to get over excited when the story gets good I read fast and I know I miss some words. So when I listen to the the audio novels I get to be at the blissful mercy of the reader(Provided the reader is good) and relive the anticipation of what could happen. It's like riding a roller coaster over and over again.
Well when I was a little girl I liked to write stories and some reason I think I will have to venture back to that. Starting now.............
5:50 am the alarm grabs Sara back to the world again and she decides 10 more minuets is necessary to return to the land of the living.