You are so terrible, you are really terrible

Feb 12, 2011 23:43

Sometimes you hear things which are so stupid that your brain doesn't even want to accept them.

So today we went out for dinner with an orthodontist that dad refers to.  It was good fun, he and his family were really nice and the food was good.  Apparently his oldest son was hot, but I didn't pick up on that >>  At one point this guy was talking to my dad and I was picking up bits of the story, and it sounded so dumb that I thought I'd misheard.  So I asked for clarification.

The orthodontist knew an oral surgeon, who, with a couple of friends, spent 1.9 million on a yearling horse.  Buggered if I know what they wanted it for, but still.  The oral surgeon was watching the horse eat and noticed that it was a class had an overbite.  So he knocked it out and broke its jaw to reset and correct it, so that its teeth met at the front.  As soon as the horse came round the force of its muscles broke all of the setting this guy had done.

I'm assuming at this point they had to put the horse down.

Holy shit guys, I care less about horses now that I was forced to study them for a semester, but I actually am so stunned at the stupidity of this story that I don't have room to be angry at the HUGE BREACH OF WELFARE of this story.

First off, how the crap was this guy able to anaesthetise a horse by himself?  Surely a vet had to be involved somewhere.  Assumingly an equine vet, since they'd spent a metric crapton of money on this animal.  How did this vet not tell the guy that this procedure would not work?  I spent nearly two hours scraping jaw muscle off a horse head, I know how much muscle is there.  There is no way that a human dentist could comprehend that, and work to predict for that kind of force.

More importantly, how did the vet fail to inform this guy that ALL HORSES HAVE CLASS TWO DENTITION.  At least when they hold their heads up.  That is why vets have to go in and rasp their teeth down...horses eating up high do not wear their teeth properly, because they don't meet properly unless the horse's head is down.  When they eat off the ground gravity pulls their bottom jaw down to meet their top jaw properly.  Horses are full of dumb anatomy, but that is actually clever there.

In summary, a guy kills his expensive horse by doing human jaw surgery on it when it does not need surgery because there is nothing wrong with it because horse =/= human.

Fuck, human doctors.  Learn to comparative anatomy.

The flesh-eating beetles are back at work.  I spent today digging them out of the pig trotters and the lamb bones (ffff why do they have to pick the most disgusting, greasy bones?).  Buggered if I'm going to sit back and let the store get infested as badly as last year.

I was really proud when I recognised them on the Natural History Museum documentary, because I could be a smartarse about it.  And it does sound more impressive to say "oh, I'm just making sure the bones don't have any flesh-eating beetle larvae in them, don't mind me"...but I was kind of hoping they wouldn't be back this year :/

hosses, rant

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