Am I the only one who has gone through the past week and a half thinking it was the wrong day? I'm so off x_x
I'm starting up in earnest at the gym again on Monday. I can't wait for the day to get here so I can just get it over with. On Mondays I have to wake up early AND stay out late :(
(hopefully forcing myself to get up at 4AM again will finally reset the horrible habit of going to bed at 1~2AM that I've had ever since Thanksgiving)
I've reset my weight loss goal to be 10 pounds by my birthday. Technically that's totally doable! That's only a little more than a pound a week... Granted, I said the exact same thing back in June, but it's surely gonna happen this time!
... >_>
Ugggggggh, the cedar counts have been totally killing me this week! I can't stop scratching my arms and legs. I should probably be supplementing my dailies with Benadryl, but that would just make me drowsy all the time :\
Random J-pop thoughts:
- The Aku Yu tribute album was actually pretty good. I prefer Dance With You, but they did a good job on modernizing the tracks. Some of the NEXT GENERATION girls are actually pretty decent as well.
- Ever since I saw MiChi on Music Station the other week, I've been listening to her single pretty regularly. Seems like she's someone to keep an eye on.
- Ikimono Gakari's new album bores me to tears ;_;
- I refuse to listen to samples of Kumi's new album. REFUSE!! I burned through Kingdom so fast I can't even remember any of it :(
I get to take the cats to the vet tomorrow. Yay... I'm sure looking forward to a car ride with crying carsick cats and the high vet bill associated with doping Ping up. Here are some pics to remind myself that they're not just a couple of brats: