Plotty like Whoa

Dec 22, 2009 13:11

When I write, I always feel the need to explain everything. This results in me going crazy more often than not. I'm always thinking "Okay BUT WHY did so and so do that?" "Why doesn't x-y-z happen instead?" "So and so can't be a traditional vampire because WHEN DOES HE GET HIS SHOPPING DONE IN THE SUMMER WHEN IT'S BRIGHT OUTSIDE ALL THE TIME"

So I always end up feeling like I'm plotting the fic to death instead of just writing it.

Like right now. I'm currently working on a fusion of Dark Shadows with Supernatural - Fusion? Have i got the terminology right? I've basically hi-jacked Dark Shadows and am subbing in SPN characters.

and I'm all like, Well, Castiel can't NEVER be allowed out in sunlight because that's just implausible [never mind the fact that a)he's a vampire and b) I'm writing a fusion and c)he's just been raised from the dead - THESE things are apparently PLAUSIBLE but him never being out in sunlight? UNACCEPTABLE]

Jesus. if anyone who reads this is an over thinker like me, drop me a line of hope and let me know I'm not alone!

supernatural, fanfic, writing

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