On Change

Jan 14, 2014 19:29

I've always been adverse to change. Change is SCARY. Change is shaking up the NORM. I know the norm. I may not like the norm, but I know it.
But, this year, I feel.... I feel that I need some changes. Two years ago I changed my job and it was the scariest thing I'd done! But it worked out well. I'm really happy in my new job [is it still 'new' after two years?? IDK, but I still call it my 'new' job.]. I'm challenged and I work hard, but I feel very productive and needed.

So, now I'm starting out with some smaller stuff - gong through the closet, culling items I don't wear. It's liberating and terror-inducing. Next will be books. Next will be older items I don't use - electronics. Furniture, maybe? knick-knacks?
I feel as though I cling to THINGS to cloak myself in a veil of pretend security and I need to just... let it go.

I've got some other changes on the horizon but I'm not ready to discuss yet. But I think they'll be good for me.

So, change. *deep breath*

thinky thoughts, about me

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