So! regarding my previous post on fanfic, shame and identity and then discussions in the comments, I feel like I'm more than comfortable telling fandom about my real life fiction, although the other way around is still "tricky"
I've decided while I'm not going to 'deny' my fandom identity in real life [ie, if it crosses over, it crosses over], I'm not going to announce it either. but! I am going to post my original fic links below if anyone is interested.
So! My book, Trial by Fire [Covencraft] is in soft release right now meaning it's up and available in some markets. It 'officially' comes out June 25, but if anyone is interested, I would love to have your early feedback/reviews.
Canada Amazon Link
HEREUS Amazon Link
HERE I'm working on book 2 right now and still plugging away at some fanfic [SGA and TW].