I did it!

Oct 13, 2012 18:54

I finished my book and submitted it to Harper Voyager!
I started shaking while I was filling out the form, I was so nervous and excited.

The final stats:
Final word count - 83500
Bags of chocolate chips - 1.5 and 2 giant cadbury dairy milk bars.
Pots of coffee - wow. I lost track. A LOT.
Missed cello practice - two whole weeks where I didn't even touch it. I even cancelled lessons one week. My cello teacher is THE BEST and totally understood.

Now I move onto:
Editing Dean/Cas big bang for posting November 13 - it's about 55000 words. It's been beta'd, I just haven't looked at the comments/notes yet.
Finishing my John/Rodney story (that was going to be my Atlantis big bang but I didn't finish it). It's at about 28000 words, I think
My Teenwolf Holiday fic for my giftee
and then, I have a cop!AU Sterek I want to write
And THEN, I have another original fic I want to write.

If I've learned anything it's that I can do it as long as I stay focused and committed.

status update, writing is hard!

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