Random thoughts on plot bunnies

Jan 20, 2011 20:15


Am signed up for the spn_j2_bigbang and am leaning heavily toward a gen casefic that features an Alternate S6 and greek mythology. My dad was Greek and I've always had an interest in the mythology. Even though I've an applied mathematics degree and I love love love calculus [no really, it's true] I think my favorite classes in university were my classical mythology ones. I had FANTASTIC prof for two of three of them and he knew every myth EVER and you could be like "Um, there was this one? With an apple? and a ram? and some kind of rain?" and he would nod and be like "Yes yes, of course, the myth of blahdeeblah and so and so and how they over come the monster of such and such" AND HE WAS ALWAYS RIGHT!

Have also signed up for the spn_gen_bigbang and I'd really like my plot to use deaf!Dean. Actually, the plot I started tinkering with for the spn_j2_bigbang was originally going to feature deaf!Dean but then it shifted and it wouldn't really work anymore. So deaf!Dean needs a new plot. I've sort of got an... inkling of where this one might go. not sure if it will stay deaf!dean, but I hope it will. Must read up on American Sign Language. Or write a really good disclaimer about not knowing fuck all! This will be a case!fic as well.

Side note regarding a J2 story that I will likely NEVER WRITE - cut because it contains S6 spoilers.

So, neros_violin told me she read that an upcoming ep of SPN will have Sam and Dean go to an AU where they meet Jensen and Jared who play Sam and Dean on a show called Supernatural.

Le Sigh. Show. C'mon. Just..... No.

and then I thought, you know what would be a cool RPF tho? [side note - I don't read or write RPF - just not my bag, baby, but live and let live] - I've often thought of writing an SPN story in an insane asylum where Sam and Dean aren't really brothers but think they are and think they are monster fighters. This spoiler for S6 had me thinking ZOMG what if Jensen and Jared were both in an insane asylum and they had this shared delusion that they were Sam and Dean Winchester and had to fight supernatural evil. It could be this creepy, twisted, incomprehensible mess of: Are they Jared and Jensen? Or are they Sam and Dean with shrinks telling them they aren't Sam and Dean because really the shrinks are BAD GUYS who don't want the winchesters hunting anymore but can't kill them outright because of [insert plot device here]. So it would be like that buffy episode where you don't know if Buffy is crazy or not. and then the added fucked up-ness of the plot is that they ARE sleeping with each but they are CONFLICTED because they think they are brothers.

OR ARE THEY???????

So, yeah, that's my J2/SPN Au that I prolly won't write because I don't write RPF. But c'mon, FUCKING AWESOME IDEA Y/Y?

fanfic is ruining my life, big bang 2011, rps, writing

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