(no subject)

Nov 24, 2005 11:51

Daniel will not leave me alone. I told him we were no longer friends in june and it's been five months of him trying to reach me. I dont know what to do anymore. Yesterday was great i hung out with jon, elisa, and a some chick named caltin, and i was so happy until i saw that daniel had called. Not only did he call my home, he was rude to my sister and my dad. I have no idea what to do anymore, I could deal with the stupid emails he sent me, the text messanges (b/c i lost my cell) but i dont want him calling my house. I know that his whole life he's always gotten what he wanted girls, money, etc. and maybe im one of the first to ppl to to say fuck off, and mean it, to him. But this is ridculous.

I am no longer failing (by failing that mean a grade of a C) in any class except for Ap envriomental, the easiest class i have. Why am I failing? b/c i keep forgeting to turn in assignments, I do not read the book, b.c I have other classes i value more...etc. To be honest i should be getting lower than a C but i'm not so maybe i'm thankful...i don't know

Mr Baxter has cancer and will probably die. Happy thanksgiving....I guess....
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