Jan 31, 2005 19:10
Ok i didn't sleep, my mouse button got the better of me.
just read this girls journal and was like yeah my friends done read
this i'll rant about them! Then i cant look back and say hmm yeah i
really do need better friends!
A list of my so called friends:
a friend i knew from high school, so we've been friends along time!
I've always been there for her when she's needed me. Whenever i went to
her about somthing she's just ignore me and make a joke out of it and
just be no help what so ever! So
anyway it was her birthday the 27th and i said oh i'll pop round for
abit to give u a card and stuff, wont be long as i no you'll have a
house full. I haven't seen her in like age's, then she txt me the day
before and said oh sorry i'm busy, maybe another time?. That really
missed me off, coz i was like fine, u cant even make time for a old
friend? and the fact she said MAYBE just was a kick in the arse coz i was like fine screw you!
and about her not helping me with problems when i've helped her, alot
of my friends do that and i thought to my self last month. Well if they
cant sort there problems out, how are they gonna help with yours? witch
made me feel alot better, so now i dont talk to ppl about my problems,
dont feel ppl should be bom-bared with my shit.
Kirsty: Hahaha ohhhh kirsty, now this is my most messed up friend! Talk
to her and you'll feel alot better about your life. She was blonde,
blue eyes very very skinny, like a size 4 UK. She's just dyed her hair
Anyway she's very slutty, sleep's around with alot of guys unprotected
(TUT TUT) so i'm like her mum, you ok? use protection? ETC. So
yeah, she's also self harm. When we we're first friends, she always
called when she broke up with a guy and was crying saying i've cut my
wrist's so i'd drive round and carm her down and talk to her bf and
sort them both out. But it got to much for me, plus we drifted apart
alot. I'm still her mate, she's a laugh. Just abit to flirty for me and
she only talks about her problems. I dont mind helping to a sertain
degree. At the moment she's dating a guy who has a kid, a girlfriend
and another girl he has pregnant and he steels from tesco's her recent
job... thats my girl :)
BEN: Awww ben, he's kinda my ex. Didn't date, but kissed. He's alright, dont see him as much as i used to. I mainly see him when i go to tesco's (as he works there) but he used to smoke alot of pot and then i'd stink of it and wasn't keen on that.
Claire: Claire
is my ex's sister, my ex banded her from talking to me. But she still
did, not so much anymore as i kinda neglected her. When we went out,
she'd get really depressed
and not join in with anything and just be depressing to be with and
always complain to me witch depressed me and i didn't want that. So
kinda didn't talk for abit, i txt her today but no reply. So dunno
ONe STep BEyonD FRIENds?: ok these friends consist of Aaron, DAn, MatT and RoB. So
there nice guys, not really friends as we dont talk much, like if
i'm in the city i'll go in and talk to them. But the only person who
makes a effet is MATT and thats only coz he wants to have Sex With me.
have a cupple of others but my arm is really hurting for some
reason??!? So i'm gonna leave it at that, there was only jo and griff
to talk about and there isn't much to talk about there as i dont see
them much.
So in conclusion the only friend i see is kirsty and we all no how depressing that is... thank you for your time to let me Bitch about friends... well kinda friends.