It's almost midnight, on a school night, when I realized, I miss my LJ!
So much has happened since Monday, August, 21, 2007. New school, new teachers, new friends, new priorities, new attitude, new state of mind... a lot has changed. Where do I even begin?
I turned 16! I celebrated with family and had a big dinner with friends at Max & Erma's in downtown Birmingham.
[Pics from the event!] My Mom and I cruised to the Bahamas to celebrate, where I met some crazy cool people from just about everywhere.
One of my favorite trips! September
School started. Although exciting at first, I'm slowly but surely realizing how different it is, and how much I miss Dondero. I promised myself that I wasn't gonna be one of those people who bitched about things I couldn't change, but screw that! People are different and I feel like I hardly know anyone anymore, and I hate that. I'm not gonna say I hate ROHS, because that's not true. In fact, I've made some great friends here, but I'm not exactly loving this entire situation. But anyway, I saw Mariah Carey in concert with my Mom for her birthday! And, I paid for the tickets... which felt real good. ;)
One upside of Royal Oak High, a winning football team! Not only did we win our
Homecoming game, but we were Division Champions! A long way from a 0-10 record, you think?!
Homecoming Dance... mixed emotions. The day was almost ruined when my Mom's friend died. It sucked to see her so down. But overall I enjoyed the night. Not my favorite homecoming, but it was really nice to see everyone all dressed up.
Student Council Retreat. Officially one of the best weekends of my life! We all got so close, and it was just an amazing experience. I honestly made 49 best friends that weekend. I forgot my camera, because I do that
so I swiped Cassie's! December
Well, the beginning of December was spent anticipating break, which was loads of fun. I had my first
Christmas Party, which was a hit! About 40 people were here. But the most memorable moment was Greg doing a dance in a bunny costume, then proceeded to get naked! haha It would be weird, but it's Greg which makes it completely acceptable. Christmas itself was a let down. I don't wanna sound like a brat, but I didn't get anything good from my mom, and I didn't even see my dad until after the New Year.
I'm really excited for 2007. A new beginning, new priorities, a new attitude, and a new state of mind! Exams are over, bringing a new semester, the last semester, of my high school career! I got into everywhere I applied: Grand Valley, Loyola, Hofstra, DePauw, Hanover, and the University of Vermont. And I'm officially going to Grand Valley! I visited and fell in love with the campus! Not to mention I got a full ride scholarship! :D I was a bit apprehensive at first because Grand Valley isn't really a prestigious school, but they've got a really good placement rate for University of Michigan's Medical School, so I'm not worried at all!
So now what? I guess I'm happy, but not really. I mean, looking at the big picture I can honestly say that things are looking good, but I'm feeling let down by a lot of people around me. My plan is just to focus on school for now. And work. I'm starting a marketing campaign this week, which I'm so ready for! I guess I'm gonna take things one day at a time and see where it leads me. Until then...