Mi son svegliato solo (poi ho incontrato te). (2)

Aug 23, 2009 22:28

Chiedo perdono e scusa ma mi sono resa conto che quei meme erano troppo difficili e belli per sputtanarli in una volta sola e mentre padontworry mi chiacchiera dei casini della sua amica, ne rilancio solo due.
Mi dispiace un casino per
brit_clo ,
eide_oconrad , martu89 e
kimmy_dreamer che mi avevano commentato, ma è stata una scelta infelice!ç_ç colpa mia!ç_ç

ripropongo due soli meme**

List the first ten series that come to mind. Your friends will comment with the character from each series that they think you are most like.

01. Supernatural
02. Battlestar Galactica
03. Heroes
04. Oz
05. Shedonverse xD
06. Grey's anatomy
07. Lost
08. Gossip Girl
09. Skins
10. House

Two Rules:
1) The person must be in the movies or on TV (but doesn't have to be an actor/actress). The person can be specific to a role (e.g. Jennifer Elhe's Elizabeth Bennet) or just the person.
2) Post a picture!

Give me a character I love and I will list for you their:

01.) Full name?
02.) Best friend?
03.) Sexuality?
04.) Favorite color?
05.) Relationship status?
06.) Ideal mate?
07.) Turn-ons?
08.) Last sexual experience?
09.) Favorite food?
10.) Crushes?
11.) Favorite music?
12.) Biggest fear?
13.) Biggest fantasy?
14.) Quirks in bed?
15.) Bad habits?
16.) Biggest regret?
17.) Best kept secrets?
18.) Last thought?
19.) Worst sexual/romantic experience?
20.) Biggest insecurity?

Scusate. Sono la peggio. Si, si si. EEEEEEEEH. Bacini!<3

complainings, sproloqui, memes

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