
Jan 04, 2009 14:43

Dopo mille anni torno per stupido meme!
Prima o poi farò il recasting ma BONA.
Ora sono con lo sleepo e mi godo lo sleepo e bonabomber.
Uff uff fa proprio freddino. (anche se c'è la neve e indosso una tshirt con un coniglietto plot bunnioso con cui lo sleepo suddetto mi incita tiepidamente (?) a rimettermi a tipo scrivere)

Saluto la curva.

meme bellino!<3 grazie a eide_oconrad

Give me a fandom and I'll name my...

Favorite character:
Least favorite character:
Character with the best hair:
Character with the best eyes:
Character I'd most want to kiss:
Character I'd most likely shag:
Character I'd make lunch for:
Character I'd go singing in the rain with:
Character I'd go shopping with:
Character I'd go dancing with:
Character I'd take over the world with:
Character I most want to see more of:
Favorite het pairing:
Favorite slash pairing:

Favorite character: AWWWWWWWWW!BRHDGSFBAD. Ermes?
Least favorite character: oh, nessuno!<3
Character with the best hair: mmmh, afrodite? mi piacciono molto pure quelli di artemide!<4
Character with the best eyes: Demetra e Atena!
Character I'd most want to kiss: Zeus o Ermes!
Character I'd most likely shag: Ares, Apollo o Dioniso!<3
Character I'd make lunch for: per l'ot3 Artemide/Apollo/Dioniso!
Character I'd go singing in the rain with: Dioniso e Apollo, per andare sul sicuro!xD
Character I'd go shopping with: Artemide!<3
Character I'd go dancing with: Afrodite!!xD
Character I'd take over the world with: Ermes*/////*
Character I most want to see more of: Demetra!
Favorite het pairing: Era/Zeus, Demetra/Poseidone (che esiste solo nel nostro personal canon faliero xD), Apollo/Artemide, Ares/Afrodite, Ade/Persefone etc xD
Favorite slash pairing: Apollo/Dioniso!<3

Favorite character: Matt Parkman<3
Least favorite character: Maya Herrera
Character with the best hair: Claire nella prima stagione**
Character with the best eyes: Hrg, Nathan o Claire!<3
Character I'd most want to kiss: Eden McCain xD no, Mohinder!
Character I'd most likely shag: Nathan!<3 e Adam!<3
Character I'd make lunch for: mmmmh... Mohinder che è deperitino e ne ha bisogno!
Character I'd go singing in the rain with: Dan Linderman!xD
Character I'd go shopping with: mmmh, Angela!
Character I'd go dancing with: mmmh... Adam o Claire!
Character I'd take over the world with: Adam! o Mattuccio bello!<4
Character I most want to see more of: Clude ;_;
Favorite het pairing: Paire e Nathan/Niki!
Favorite slash pairing: Petrellicest e Moylar!xD

Favorite character: DEAN
Least favorite character: Gordon
Character with the best hair: Jo
Character with the best eyes: Dean*////////////////////*
Character I'd most want to kiss: Dean
Character I'd most likely shag: Dean
Character I'd make lunch for: Sammy!<3
Character I'd go singing in the rain with: Dean
Character I'd go shopping with: Bela xD (toh, il fandom degli straccioni xD)
Character I'd go dancing with: Jo
Character I'd take over the world with: Dean
Character I most want to see more of: Jo
Favorite het pairing: Jo/Dean
Favorite slash pairing: Sam/Dean!<3

Favorite character: Chuck Bass<3
Least favorite character: Vanessa
Character with the best hair: Serena
Character with the best eyes: Chuck
Character I'd most want to kiss: Blair
Character I'd most likely shag: Chuck
Character I'd make lunch for: Dan
Character I'd go singing in the rain with: Rufus!<3
Character I'd go shopping with: Blair!**
Character I'd go dancing with: Jenny!
Character I'd take over the world with: Chuck
Character I most want to see more of: CHUCK xD
Favorite het pairing: Blair/Chuck
Favorite slash pairing: Chuck/Dan

Favorite character: Debra
Least favorite character: Doakes!
Character with the best hair: Rita
Character with the best eyes: Dexter
Character I'd most want to kiss: Rita!
Character I'd most likely shag: Dexter
Character I'd make lunch for: Brudy!
Character I'd go singing in the rain with: Angel!<3
Character I'd go shopping with: Debra!
Character I'd go dancing with: Debra!
Character I'd take over the world with: Dexter
Character I most want to see more of: Debra!
Favorite het pairing: Rita/Dexter
Favorite slash pairing: Brian/Dexter!

Favorite character: Chris
Least favorite character: Sketch
Character with the best hair: Cassie
Character with the best eyes: Tony
Character I'd most want to kiss: Effy
Character I'd most likely shag: Chris
Character I'd make lunch for: Sid
Character I'd go singing in the rain with: Maxxie
Character I'd go shopping with: 'Chelle
Character I'd go dancing with: Maxxie
Character I'd take over the world with: Chris
Character I most want to see more of: Maxxie
Favorite het pairing: Sid/Cassie, Tony/Michelle <3
Favorite slash pairing: Tony/Sid

Favorite character: Sayid ♥♥♥
Least favorite character: mmmh, al momento Locke.
Character with the best hair: Claire con la frangetta
Character with the best eyes:Kate!
Character I'd most want to kiss: Desmond!<3
Character I'd most likely shag: Naso!<3
Character I'd make lunch for: Ben, faremmo della buona conversazione!xD
Character I'd go singing in the rain with: Charlie?xD
Character I'd go shopping with: Claire!
Character I'd go dancing with: Shannon!
Character I'd take over the world with: Naso*///////////////////////////////*
Character I most want to see more of: Sempre Nose, che non basta mai.
Favorite het pairing: Sayid/Nadia e Desie/Penny!
Favorite slash pairing: Sayid/Sawyer o Sayid/Desie!

complainings, sproloqui, memes

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