30 Days of TV meme - Day 9

Aug 24, 2010 12:39

Day 09 - Best scene ever

Had to be Buffy or Angel really because my geekery really is pretty one track minded. The scenes that really have an effect on me are ones with epic moral and/or identity conclusions reached by characters - for this reason contenders include:
-  the cheesy but lovely last scene of Grave (BtVS 6x22) when Willow's grief-driven desctruction mission is halted by Xander telling her he loves her and everyone having a good cry to a Sarah Mclachlan song,
- The amazing bit at the end of Fool for Love (BtVS 5x07) when Buffy thoroughly puts down Spike, rendering his sarcasm at a loss for once and he's totally crushed ("One... good... day"). Series 5 Spuffy interaction is pretty emotionally draining...
- The end of Angel 4x01 Deep Down - this speech (the underlined bit): 
Angel: "What you did to me - was unbelievable, Connor. - But then I got stuck in a hell dimension by my girlfriend one time for a hundred years, so three months under the ocean actually gave me perspective. Kind of a M. C. Esher perspective - but I did get time to think. About us, about the world. - Nothing in the world is the way it ought to be. - It's harsh, and cruel. - But that's why there's us. Champions. It doesn't matter where we come from, what we've done or suffered, or even if we make a difference. We live as though the world was what it should be, to show it what it can be. - You're not a part of that yet. - I hope you will be."

For me that one sentence sums ups everything I love about Joss Whedon's ethics. I have in fact quoted the second half of that sentence in essays at school. I remember always getting it mixed up with things said by Atticus Finch.

But for my 'best scene ever' I shall choose the scene between Angel and Holland Manners in Angel 2x15 Reprise.

Angel thinks he's visiting the Wolfram and Hart headquarters - hell. Holland shows him where 'hell' really is - transrcipt brought to you by the incredibly thorough resources at www.buffyworld.com:

Holland pushes the 'down' button.  The doors close and we see the elevator descending down the elevator shaft.
Angel and Holland are standing side by side in the elevator as the lights from the floors it is passing flash by and typically annoying elevator music plays in the background.
Holland:  "Well, this is exciting, isn't it? (Smiles) Going straight to the source. - So, what's the big plan, Angel?  Destroy the Senior Partners, smash Wolfram and Hart once and for all?"
Angel:  "Something like that."
Holland:  "Hm-mm, now tell me just what do you think that would accomplish?  In the end, I mean."
Angel:  "It'll be - the end."
Holland:  "Well, the end of you, certainly.  But I meant in the larger sense."
Angel:  "In the larger sense I really don't give a crap."
Holland:  "Now I don't think that's true.  - Be honest.  - You got the tiniest bit of 'give a crap' left.  Otherwise you wouldn't be going on this Kamikaze mission.  Now let me see, there was something - in a sacred prophecy, some oblique reference to you.  Something you're supposed to prevent.  Now what was that?"
Angel:  "The apocalypse."
Holland: "Yes, the apocalypse, of course. - Another one of those.  Well, it's true.  We do have one scheduled.  And I imagine if you were to prevent it you would save a great many people.  Well, you should do that then.  Absolutely.  I wasn't thinking. - Of course all those people you save from that apocalypse would then have the next one to look forward to, but, hey, it's always something, isn't it?"
The elevator shaft and cable dissolve as the elevator continues to plummet into a hellish red glow.
Angel:  "You're not gonna win."
Holland:  "Well - *no*.  Of course we aren't.  We have no intention of doing anything so prosaic as 'winning.'"
Holland laughs and for the first time Angel turns his head to glance in Holland's general direction.
Angel:  "Then why?"
Holland:  "Hmm?  I'm sorry?  Why what?"
Angel:  "Why fight?"
Holland:  "That's really the question you should be asking yourself, isn't it?  See, for us, there is no fight.  Which is why winning doesn't enter into it.  We - go on - no matter what.  Our firm has always been here.  In one form or another.  The Inquisition.  The Khmer Rouge.  We were there when the very first cave man clubbed his neighbor.  See, we're in the hearts and minds of every single living being.  And *that* - friend - is what's making things so difficult for you. - See, the world doesn't work in spite of evil, Angel. - It works with us. - It works because of us."
And with that the elevator comes to a screeching halt.
The doors open and Angel looks out to see a homeless person pushing a loaded shopping cart across the plaza in front of the Wolfram and Hart Office building in LA.
Holland:  "Welcome to the home office."
Angel:  "This isn't..."
Holland:  "Well, you know it is. - You know *that* better than anyone.  Things you've seen.  Things you've, well - done.  You see, if there wasn't evil in every single one of them out there (Angel watches as some people in the plaza start yelling at each other) why, they wouldn't be people. - They'd all be angels."
The glove drops from Angel's right to land on the floor of the elevator and Angel slowly shuffles out of it.
Holland calling after him as the doors close:  "Have a nice day."

meme, tv

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